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License :АГ №570604 Ministry of Health from 11.04.2011.
Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1b Lisova St. – Bogoliuby village (10 km from Lutsk city)
Patient admission schedule: Monday – Friday: from 9.00 till 19.00
The new clinic building is located outside the Volyn Regional Hospital building, next to the forest. The final stop of the city bus is No. 31, 47. You can reach us from the bus stop hotel 'Ukraine' opposite TSUM (department store -Central Universal Fashionable). If you are traveling by personal transport, the address for the navigator: Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1 b Lisova St.
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Home page Laboratory diagnostics

Laboratory diagnostics

Code Indicator name Price UAH Date of implementation
1. Thyroid panel
1. 101 Thyrotropic hormone 130 1
2. 103 Free triiodothyronine (T3 free) 130 1
3. 105 Free thyroxin (T4 free) 130 1
4. 106 Thyroglobulin 155 1
5. 107 Thyroglobulin Antibodies 155 1
6. 108 Thyroperoxidase antibodies 155 1
7. 215 Antibodies to receptors 380 Up to 5
8. 502 Calcitonin 350 Up to 5
9. 2001 Package №1 «Thyroid-General» Free Thyroid (T3 free)Thyroxine free (T4 free) 350 1
10. 2002 Package №2 «Thyroid-autoimmune» Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase Antibodies to thyroglobulin, Thyroglobulin 415 1
11. 2003 Package №3 «Thyroid-autoimmune» Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase Antibodies to thyroglobulin, Thyroglobulin (ТГ) Carcinoembryonal antigen ( CEA) (РЕА) 415 1
12. 2004 Package №4 «Thyroid-screening», Thyroxine free (T4 free), Antibodies to thyroperoxidase 370 1
13. 2034 Package №34 «Thyroid-1», Thyroxine free (T4 free), Free thryroxin (T3 free) Antibodies to thyroperoxidase 490 1
14. 2038 Package №38 «Thyroid-1», Thyroxine free (T4 free), Antibodies to therioglobulin 370 1
2.Reproductive panel
15. 110 Luteinizing hormone (LH) 145 1
16. 111 Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) 145 1
17. 112 Prolactin 145 1
18. 113 Progesterone 145 1
19. 114 Testosterone general 145 1
20. 115 Testosterone free 250 from 1 to 3
21. 116 Estradiol (E2) 145 1
22. 117 Sex-binding globulin  (SHBG) 155 from 1 to 3
23. 119 Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH MIS) 490 Up to 5
24. 126 Androstenedione 270 up to 5
25. 2007 Package №7 “Reproduction of the first phase” Luteinizing hormone (LH), Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Prolactin, Estradiol (E2) 520 1
26. 2008 Package № 8 «Reproduction of the second phase» Luteinizing hormone (LH), Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Prolactin, Progesterone 520 1
27. 2009 Package № 9 «Reproduction - 1» Prolactin, Progesterone, Testosterone total, sex hormone binding globulin (CCO), Free androgen Index 520 from 1 to 3
28. 2010 Package № 10 «Reproduction - 2» Luteinizing hormone (LH), Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Prolactin, Progesterone, Estradiol (E2), Sex-binding globulin (SBG), General testosterone, Free androgen index 920 from 1 to 3
29. 2011 Package № 11 «Index of free androgen» Sex-binding globulin (SBG), Testosterone total, Index of free androgen 300 from 1 to 2
30. 2035 Package № 35 «Reproduction-3» Luteinizing hormone (LH), Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Prolactin 390 1
31. 2042 Package № 42 «Hyperprolactinemia» Thyrotropic hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (free T4), Prolactin ин 365 1
32. 2059 Package № 59 «Hyperandrogenism» Testosterone total, 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-C), Sex-binding globulin (SBG), Free androgen Index. 590 Up to 5
3.Prenatal diagnostics
33. 120 Alpha - fetoprotein (AFP) (14-19 weeks of pregnancy) 155 1
34. 121 (Plasma protein-A associated with pregnancy (8-14 weeks of pregnancy) 175 1
35. 122 Free β chorionic gonadotropin (11-14 weeks of pregnancy) 155 1
36. 123 Free Estriol (E3) (14-40 weeks of pregnancy) 155 1
37. 124 Chorionic gonadotropin - prenatal diagnostics 150 1
38. 2043 PRISCA І trimester (10 weeks of pregnancy + 0 days - 13 weeks of pregnancy. + 6 days) (PAPP-A - Pregnancy-Associated Protein-A Plasma, β-hCG free, Calculation of prenatal risk (PRISCA) 295 1
39. 2044 PRISCA ІI trimester (14 weeks of pregnancy – 19 days of pregnancy, free Estriol, Chorionic gonadotropin, Alpha-Fetoprotein, Prenatal Risk Calculation (PRISCA) 400 1
4. Pituitary-atrabiliary capsules indications
40. 938 17-hydroxyprogesterone 215 up to 5
41. 458 Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (DHEAS -04) 180 1
42. 937 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) 340 up to 5
43. 459 Cortisol 205 1
44. 132 Breast cancer marker (СА 15-3) 165 1
45. 133 Ovarian cancer marker (СА-125) 165 1
46. 135 Cancer-embryonic antigen (РЕА, СЕА) 165 1
47. 136 Prostate-specific antigen free (FPSA) 150 1
48. 137 Prostate-specific antigen general (Т PSA) 150 1
49. 138 Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) 155 1
50. 139 Chorionic gonadotropin 150 1
51. 723 Early cancer-specific marker - 4 470 up to 5
52. 2014 Package №14 « Prostate-specific antigen general (Т PSA) Prostate-specific antigen free (FPSA) , Their relation 270 1
53. 2015 Package №15 « “Oncological female” Thyroglobulin (TG), Breast cancer marker (CA 15-3), Ovarian cancer marker (CA 125), Cancer-embryonic antigen (CEA) 570 1
54. 2031 Package No. 31 « “Laboratory Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer” Early Ovarian Cancer Marker (HE-4), Ovarian Cancer Marker (CA-125), ROMA Index 570 up to 5
1. Hepatitis
55. 910 Hepatitis A virus (HAV), IgM antibodies 155 From 1 to 2
56. 912 Hepatitis B virus (HBV), HBsAg (Australian antigen) 155 1
57. 916 Hepatitis B virus (HBV), HBcAg total antibodies 155 1
58. 919 Hepatitis C virus C (HCV), total antibodies 170 1
59. 2045 Package No. 45 «Hepatitis» Hepatitis A, IgM antibodies, Hepatitis BHBsAg virus (Australian antigen), Hepatitis BHBcAg virus total antibodies, Hepatitis C virus total antibodies 550 1
60. 2046 Package No. 46 «Hepatitis B virus primary screening», HBsAg (Australian antigen), HBcAg total antibodies 279 1
2. TORCH infections
61. 141 Cytomegalovirus (CMV), IgM antibodies 145 1
62. 142 Cytomegalovirus (CMV), IgG antibodies 145 1
63. 144 Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV), IgG antibodies 145 1
64. 931 Herpes simplex virus type ½ (HSV), IgG antibodies 145 1
65. 143 Herpes simplex virus type ½ (HSV), IgM antibodies 145 1
66. 145 Rubella virus, IgM antibodies 145 1
67. 146 Rubella virus, IgG antibodies 145 1
68. 147 Toxoplasma, IgM antibodies 145 1
69. 148 Toxoplasma, IgG antibodies 145 1
70. 2017 Package No. 17 "TORCH IgG" before pregnancy; Cytomegalovirus IgG antibodies, Herpes simplex virus 1/2 antibodies type IgG, Toxoplasma IgG antibodies, Rubella virus IgG antibodies 530 1
71. 2018 Package No. 18 "TORCH IgG" without Rubella virus” before pregnancy; Cytomegalovirus IgG antibodies, Herpes simplex virus 1/2 antibodies type IgG, Toxoplasma IgG antibodies 390 1
72. 2019 Package No. 19 "TORCH IgG with chlamydia without Rubella virus” before pregnancy; Cytomegalovirus IgG antibodies, Herpes simplex virus 1/2 antibodies type IgG, Toxoplasma IgG antibodies, chlamydia IgG antibodies 530 1
73. 2020 Package No. 20 "TORCH IgG" Cytomegalovirus IgG antibodies, Toxoplasma IgG antibodies, Rubella virus antibodies IgG 390 1
74. 2021 Package No. 21 "TORCH IgG" while pregnancy; Cytomegalovirus IgM antibodies, Toxoplasma IgM antibodies, Rubella virus antibodies IgM 390 1
75. 2022 Package No. 22 "TORCH IgG, IgM with herpes"; Cytomegalovirus IgG and IgM antibodies, Toxoplasma IgG and IgM antibodies, Rubella virus antibodies IgG and IgM, Herpes simplex virus 1/2 antibodies type IgG and IgM 1040 1
76. 2023 Package No. 23 "TORCH IgG, IgM"; Cytomegalovirus IgG and IgM antibodies, Toxoplasma IgG and IgM antibodies, Rubella virus antibodies IgG and IgM 780 1
77. 2030 Package No. 30 “Infectious” Cytomegalovirus IgG , Herpes simplex virus 1/2 antibodies type IgG, Epstein-Barr virus (nucleorganic antigen) antibodies IgG 522 1
3. Airborne infections
78. 308 Rubella virus antibodies IgM (Measles virus IgM) 370 up to 5
79. 309 Rubella virus antibodies IgG (Measles virus IgG) 300 up to 5
4. Urogenital infections
80. 151 Chlamydia, antibodies IgG 145 1
81. 157 Chlamydia, antibodies IgM 145 1
82. 153 Mycoplasma hominis, antibodies IgG 145 1
83. 155 Ureaplasma urealiticum, antibodies IgG 145 1
84. 2024 Package No. 24 Urogenital "Chlamydia IgG antibodies, Ureaplasma urealitikum antibodies IgG, Mycoplasma hominis antibodies IgG 390 1
5. Gastroenterological infections
85. 161 Helicobacter pylori, total antibodies 155 1
6. Diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis
86. 162 Epstein-Barr virus (nuclear antigen), antibodies IgG 155 1
87. 163 Antibodies IgG to Epstein-Barr Virus Early Antigen 165 up to 5
88. 164 Antibodies IgG to Epstein-Barr viral capsid antigen 165 up to 5
89. 940 Antibodies IgM to Epstein-Barr viral capsid antigen 165 up to 5
90. 527-538 Epstein-Barr Virus Real-time PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) (blood plasma, saliva, buccal scraping)
225 up to 5
91. 528-710 Epstein-Barr Virus Real-time PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) qualitative determination (blood plasma, saliva, buccal scraping)
280 up to 5
7. Other infections
92. 945 Borrelia IgG antibodies (Borrelia IgG) 250 up to 5
93. 946 Borrelia IgM antibodies (Borrelia IgM) 250 up to 5
1. Allergodiagnosis
94. 181 Total immunoglobulin E (tlgE) 165 1
95. 182 Inhalation panel:warty birch pollen, gray alder pollen, walnut pollen, oak pollen, meadow timothy grass, rye pollen, wormwood pollen, plantain pollen, D.pteronossinus tick, D.farinae tick, dog epithelium, sea epithelium, horse epithelium, horse epithelium, epithelium of horse hamster, rabbit epithelium, Asp. Fumigatus, Cladosp. Herbarum, Pen.Notatus fungus, Alternia tenuis fungus 850 1
96. 183 Pediatric Panel: soy, milk, chicken egg protein, crab, shrimp (Atlantic and Pacific), peach, D.pteronossinus tick, D.farinae tick, cockroach, dog epithelium, cat epithelium, Alternia tenuis fungus, alder pollen, birch, ragweed pollen, pollen wormwood, meadow timothy pollen, rye pollen, house dust, total IgE.>; 850 1
97. 184 Pediatric differentiated panel:milk, casein, alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, bovine serum albumin, protein and egg yolk, rice, soy, banana, pork, veal, chicken, flour mixture (wheat, rice, barley, oats), baker's yeast, tick D .pteronyssinus and D.farinae, the fungus Cladosporium herbarum and Alternatia alternata, a mixture of pollen (birch, oak), a mixture of pollen (alder, hazel), a mixture of herbs (hedgehog team, shrimp, fescue field, ryegrass, timothy field), total IgE 850 1
98. 185 Food panel:hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts, almonds, milk, chicken egg white, chicken yolk, casein, potatoes, celery, carrots, tomato, cod, shrimp, peach, apple, soybean wheat flour, sesame seeds, rye flour 850 1
99. 187 Atopic Pediatric Panel (30 allergens):Milk, alpha-lactalbumin, beta-lactoglobulin, casein, chicken egg protein, chicken yolk, cod, peanuts, cocoa, soybean, apple, carrot, tomato, flour mixture, chicken, citrus mix, rice, 6 herbs mix, rye pollen , dog epithelium, dog epithelium, cat epithelium, Cladosp.herbarum, Alternaria alternate, Aspergillus fumigatus, D. pteronyssinus, D.farinae, warty birch pollen, wormwood pollen, k202 CCD is an allergen cross-reaction marker.
950 1
100. 188 Panel milk + gluten:Milk, Alpha-Lactalbumin, Beta-Lactalbumin, Bovine Serum Albumin, Gluten, Casein 750 1
2. Identification of allergenspecific Ig E antibodies to individual allergens
101. 1 Fungal mold (Alternaria alternate tenius) Ig E 140 up to 7 days
102. 2 Fungal mold (Alternaria fumigatus) Ig E 140 up to 7 days
103. 3 Fungal mold (Pencillium notatum) Ig E 140 up to 7 days
104. 4 House dust mite (Dermatophagoides farinae) Ig E 140 up to 7 days
105. 5 House dust mite (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus) Ig E 140 up to 7 days
106. 6 Ig E Chicken 140 up to 7 days
107. 7 Cat (epithelium) Ig E 140 up to 7 days
108. 8 Rabbit Meat Ig E 140 up to 7 days
109. 9 Pork Ig E 140 up to 7 days
110. 10 Dog (epithelium) Ig E 140 up to 7 days
111. 11 Dog (wool) Ig E 140 up to 7 days
112. 12 Beef Ig E 140 up to 7 days
113. 13 Egg protein Ig E 140 up to 7 days
114. 14 Egg Yolk Ig E 140 up to 7 days
3. Diagnosis of celiac disease
115. 444 Antibodies to gliadin А 305 up to 7 days
116. 445 Antibodies to gliadin G 305 up to 7 days
117. 191 Giardia, total antibodies 165 1
118. 192 Ascaris, total antibodies 170 1
119. 160 Toksokara, total antibodies 165 1
120. 165 Opisthorch, total antibodies 165 from 1 to 2
121. 166 Echinococcus, total antibodies 165 from 1 to 2
122. 167 Trichinella, total antibodies 165 from 1 to 2
123. 193 Opisthorch, Trichinella, Toksokara, Echinococcus, total antibodies
595 from 1 to 2
124. 2064 Package No. 64 "Parasitic-2" Giardia, ascaris, Toksokara, total antibodies 450 1
125. 2025 Package No. 25 “Parasitic” feces for helminth eggs Giardia microscopy (Parasept system), Ascaris total antibodies, Giardia total antibodies, Opisthorch, Trichinella, Toxocara, echinococcus total antibodies
980 from 1 to 2
Bacteriological Examination
126. 201 Eye bacterial cultures with an antibioticogram 280 up to 7
127. 202 Throat bacterial cultures with an antibioticogram 280 up to 7
128. 203 Wound bacterial cultures with an antibioticogram 280 up to 7
129. 204 Sperm bacterial cultures with an antibioticogram 280 up to 7
130. 205 Prostatic fluid bacterial cultures with an antibioticogram 280 up to 7
131. 206 Milk bacterial cultures with an antibioticogram 280 up to 7
132. 207 Blood sterility testing with an antibioticogram 280 up to 14
133. 208 Urogenital discharge bacterial cultures with an antibioticogram 280 up to 7
134. 2288 Urogenital discharge bacterial cultures with an antibioticogram + streptococcus agalactiae (B group) 300 up to 7
135. 209 Bacterial culture sout of nose with an antibioticogram 280 up to 7
136. 210 Bacterial culture feces for dysbacteriosis with an antibioticogram 390 up to 10
137. 211 Urine bacterial culture with an antibioticogram 280 up to 7
138. 212 Sputum examination with an antibioticogram 280 up to 7
139. 213 Ear Bacterial culture with an antibioticogram 280 up to 7
140. 509 Diphtheria Test (BL) 280 up to 7
1. Clinical chemistry
141. 220 AAT (aspartate aminotransferase) 55 1
142. 221 ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) 55 1
143. 222 Total bilirubin 55 1
144. 223 Direct bilirubin 55 1
145. 224 Gamaglutamyl transpeptidase 55 1
146. 225 Alkaline phosphatase 55 1
147. 227 Total protein (TP) 55 1
148. 228 Albumin 55 1
149. 230 Amylase 65 1
150. 231 Amylopsin 65 1
151. 232 Lipase 70 1
152. 239 Urea 55 1
153. 240 Creatinine 55 1
154. 241 Uric acid 55 1
155. 245 Calcium 55 1
156. 246 Magnesium 55 1
157. 247 Phosphorus 55 1
158. 250 Iron 55 1
159. 2026 Package No. 26 “Liver tests” AAT (aspartate aminotransferase), ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase), fractional bilirubin, Gamaglutamyl transpeptidase, alkaline phosphatase, albumin, total protein
390 1
160. 2027 Package No. 27 “Pancreas” lipase, amylase in the blood and urine, Pancreatic amylase in the blood and urine 290 1
161. 2047 Package No. 47 "kidney tests" creatinine, urea, uric acid, albumin, calcium 240 1
2.Urine biochemistry
162. 258 Urine amylase 65 1
3.Rheumatism diagnostics
163. 253 C-reactive protein 70 1
164. 254 Rheumatic factor 70 1
165. 255 Anti-streptolysin 0 70 1
166. 878 Antibodies to cyclic citrulline peptide 370 up to 5
167. 954 Antibodies to Mutated Citrulline Vimentin IgG (Anti-MCV) 520 up to 5
5. Indicators of lipid metabolism
168. 233 Cholesterin 70 1
169. 234 Triglycerids 70 1
170. 235 High Density Lipids 75 1
171. 236 Low Density Lipids 75 1
172. 2028 Package No. 28 “Fractional Lipids” cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL (high density lipids), LDL (low density lipids), VLDL (very low density lipids), atherogenic coefficient 330 1
6. Indicators of carbohydrate metabolism
173. 237 Glucose 55 1
174. 238 Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) 150 1
175. 267 Glucose tolerance test 150 1
176. 923 C-peptide 150 1
177. 924 Insulin 150 1
178. 304 HOMA (Homeostasis Model Assessment) Index (Insulin + Blood Glucose) 190 1
179. 2036 Package No. 36 “Carbohydrate Standard” Glucose, glycated hemoglobin, C-peptide 319 1
180. 2037   Package No. 37 "Carbohydrate complex" (glucose, glycated hemoglobin, C-peptide, insulin, HOMA index) 440  1
7. Indicators of phosphorus-calcium metabolism
181. 888 Vitamin D3 (25-OH) 350 up to 3
8. Blood type
182. 268 Blood type and Rh factor 95 1
183. 295 Anti rhesus antibodies 120 from 1 to 2
9. Antiphospholipid metabolism
184. 301 Antibodies to IgG phospholipids 250 up to 5
185. 302 Antibodies to IgM phospholipids 250 up to 5
186. 950 Lupus anti-coagulant (screening 250 up to 5
187. 951 IgM antibodies to cardiolipin піну 190 up to 5
188. 952 IgG antibodies to cardiolipin 190 up to 5
10. Diagnosis of anemia
189. 920 Ferritin 190 up to 4
190. 921 Vitamin b12 190 up to 4
191. 922 Folic acid 190 up to 4
192. 971 Transferin 190 up to 4
1. Blood test
193. 272 Complete blood count 140 1
194. 273 Reticulocyte 75 1
2.Urine test
195. 274 Urinalysis 85 1
196. 275 Nechiporenko’s test (clean catch specimen) 85 1
3.Cytologic screening
197. 277 Cervical smears to determine atypical cells (cytology) 80 1
198. 555 Liquid cytologic CellPrep 410 up to 4
199. 278 Flora vaginal swabbing 60 1
200. 279 Urethra smear 60 1
201. 280 Prostatic juice 60 1
4.Near-patient testing
202. 281 Syphilis, total antibodies 100 1
203. 283 Hepatitis B virus (HBV), HBsAg 130 1
204. 284 Hepatitis C virus, total antibodies 130 1
205. 303 A quick test for diagnosing multi-infections 360 1
5.Other testing
206. 286 Koprogramma 120 1
207. 287 Analysis of feces for helminth eggs and protozoan cysts (parasept system) 120 1
208. 288 Enterobiasis scraping 80 1
209. 290 Fecal occult blood test 60 1
210. 296 Parasitic fungi scraping 80 1
211. 297 Demodecosis tests (face or eyelashes) 80 1
212. 270 Nasocytogram
158 up to 4
213. 298 Prothrombin Index 90 1
214. 299 Activated partial thromboplastin time 55 1
215. 300 Fibrinogen 80 1
216. 306 Genetics of lactose metabolism (test for lactose deficiency) (plasma, buccal scraping) 450 up to 7
217. 32 Immunogram (cellular and humoral immunity) 1500 up to 7
218. 826 Immunoglobulin A (IgA) 165 up to 3
219. 827 Immunoglobulin G (IgG) 165 up to 3
220. 828 Immunoglobulin M (IgG) 165 up to 3
PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) DIAGNOSTICS Polymerase chain reaction
1. Urogenital infections
221. 509-106 Trichomonas, (Trichomonasvaginalis), Real-Time PCR qualitative determination 155 up to 5
222. 510-107 Gardnerella (Gardnerellavaginalis), PCR Real-Time qualitative determination 155 up to 5
223. 511-108 Chlamydia (Chlamidiatrachomatis), Real-Time PCR 155 up to 5
224. 512-499 Mycoplasma hominis (Mycoplasmahominis), PCR Real-Time qualitative determination 155 up to 5
225. 513-109 Mycoplasma genitalium (Mycoplasmagenitalium), PCR Real-Time qualitative determination 155 up to 5
226. 514-110 Ureaplasma urealiticum (Ureaplasmaurealiticum) and ureaplasma parvum (Ureaplasmaparvum), high-quality PCR 155 up to 5
227. 711 Candida species determination (Candida albicans + crusei + glabrata), Real-Time PCR qualitative determination 250 up to 5
228. 516-115 Gonorrhea (Neisseriagonorrhoeae), Real-Time PCR qualitative determination 155 up to 5
229. 536-890 Package No. 32 Package No. 32 “PCR - 1” Chlamydia trachomatis, Ureaplasma parvum, Ureaplasma urealitikum, Mycoplasma genital PCR Real-Time qualitative determination 450 up to 5
230. 537-80 Package No. 33 "PCR - 2" Chlamydia trachomatis, Ureaplasma perfume, Ureaplasma urealitikum PCR Real-Time qualitative determination 300 up to 5
2. Papillomovirus infection
231. 517-113 Human papillomavirus (HPV): types 16 and 18, Real-Time PCR qualitative determination for each type 150 up to 5
232. 520-705 Quantification of human papillomavirus (HPV) 12 types by phylogenetic groups (A7 (18,39,45,59), A9 (16,31,33,35,52,58), A5 / A6 (51, 56), PCR Real time 480 up to 5
233. 521-706 Genotyping of human papillomavirus (HPV) 12 types (16.18,, Real-Time PCR qualitative determination 450 up to 5
234. 332 Genotyping of human papillomavirus (HPV) 14 types (16,18,31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59,66,68), PCR quantitation by cutaneous type 470 up to 5
235. 522-731 Genotyping of human papillomavirus (HPV) type 21(6,11,16,18,26,31,33,35,39,44,45,51,52,53,56,58,59,66,68,73, 82), PCR quantification by cutaneous type 850 up to 5
3. The study of the biocenosis of the urogenital tract
236. 524-730 Femoflor® Screen. studies of the biocenosis of the urogenital tract. Total bacterial mass (quantitatively), Lactobacillus spp. (Quantitatively), Gardnerella vaginalis / Prevotella bivia / Porphyromonas spp. (Quantitatively) Ureaplasma (urealyticum and parvum) (quantitatively), Candida spp. (Qualitative), Mycoplasma hominis (qualitative), Mycoplasma genitalium (qualitative), Trichomonas vaginalis (qualitative), Neisseriagonorrhoeae (qualitative), Chlamydiatrachomatis (qualitative), Herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 (qualitative), Cytomegalovirus R (qualitative) -time quantitative / qualitative 750 up to 5
4.TORCH infections
237. 525-111 Cytomegalovirus, PCR Real-Time quantification (scraping, excretion, plasma) (underline as necessary) 150 up to 5
238. 526-523 Toxoplasma, PCR Real-Time qualitative determination (scraping, plasma) (underline as necessary) 190 up to 4
239. 529-722 Herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and 2), high-quality PCR genotyping (scraping, excretion, plasma) (underline as applicable) 205 up to 3
240. 530-539 Varicella-Zoster virus (VZV), PCR qualitative determination 250 up to 3
5. Hepatitis
241. 531-398 Hepatitis B virus (HBV), Real-Time PCR qualitative determination 290 up to 7
242. 532-707 Hepatitis B virus (HBV), Real-Time PCR quantification 865 up to 12
243. 533-399 Hepatitis C virus (HCV), Real-Time PCR qualitative determination 290 up to 7
244. 534-708 Hepatitis C virus (HCV), Real-Time PCR quantification 865 up to 7
245. 333 Genotyping of hepatitis C virus (5 types: 1a, 1b, 2,3a, 4), Real-Time PCR qualitative determination (plasma) 610 up to 7
6. Respiratory infections
246. 340 Diagnosis of whooping cough (Bordetella pertusis), paracussis (Bordetella parapertusis), bronchosepticosis (Bordetella bronchiseptica) Real-time PCR 270 up to 5
247. 91 Blood sample from the vein, finger
248. 92 Culture sampling for investigation 25  
249. 95 Demodicosis and parasitic fungiscraping 25  
250. 96 Urogenital tract (PCR) sampling) 30  
251. 97 Urogenital tract sampling (Culture)
252. 99 Liquid cytology sampling
253. 93 Nursing care at home (call) 100  
254. 90 Material freezing (shelf life 1 month) 20  

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  • Ключко Дуже дякую Оресті Володимирівні за нашого синочка, за можливість стати батьками. Вдячна за Ваш професіоналізм, завжди уважні, чуйні та компетенті. Дай Вам, Боже, здоров'ячка на довгі роки.Ви – лікар в...
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  • Альона Романюк Дякую,Марищук Олесі Олесівній!Лікар:розумний,сучасний, позитивний,до дрібниць приспікливий(що дуже позитивно)!!!РЕКОМЕНДУЮ!!!
  • Маріанна Лікарка Олеся Олесівна просто перевищила всі мої сподівання. Надзвичайно ариємна та відповідальна. І звичайно, такого професіоналізму я ще не зустрічала ніде. Олеся Олесівна - це лікарка з вликим майб...
  • Діна Безмежно вдячна за працю та турботу, уважність та щиру допомогу всьому персоналу МЦ «Боголюби». Працівники приймального відділення, медичні сестри, молодші медичні сестри, кухарі - ці доброзичливі жін...
  • Катерина Чудовий медичний центр, хороший медичний персонал.Ройко Ірина Юріївна це найкращий лікар. Завжди уважна, компетентна та чуйна людина, яка знайде вихід з будь-якої ситуації, навіть якщо це буде здавати...
  • Ірина Доброго вечора скажіть будьласка в мене група крові 4 мінус а в чоловіка 3 плюс. В нас вже є одна дитина на яку ми чекали 7 років а другий раз завагітніти не виходить вже три роки, порадьте що робити ...
  • Неля Доброго дня,цитологічне заключення від ескулаб:HSIL(CIN 2,ознаки HPV)чи лікується у вас?якщо так,то як проходить лікування?дякую
  • Alina Хочу подякувати за професіоналізм чарівній гінекологині Олесі Олесівні. Це скарб цієї клініки - бережіть її. Позитивний підхід, доказова лікарка. Все роз'яснить і пояснить. Не призначає зайвих аналізі...
  • Аліна Чоловік хворий на цукровий діабет. Чи можливо завагітніти?
  • Інна Доброго вечору, підкажіть будь ласка, якщо є пролапс передньої стінки, чи потрібна операція? Якщо так , то який післяопераційний період відновлення?
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