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License :АГ №570604 Ministry of Health from 11.04.2011.
Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1b Lisova St. – Bogoliuby village (10 km from Lutsk city)
Patient admission schedule: Monday – Friday: from 9.00 till 19.00
The new clinic building is located outside the Volyn Regional Hospital building, next to the forest. The final stop of the city bus is No. 31, 47. You can reach us from the bus stop hotel 'Ukraine' opposite TSUM (department store -Central Universal Fashionable). If you are traveling by personal transport, the address for the navigator: Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1 b Lisova St.
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Home page News Today is surgery at Bogoliuby Medical Center, tomorrow you can go home
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Today is surgery at Bogoliuby Medical Center, tomorrow you can go home

«It seems that everyone knows about the Bogoliuby MC in Lutsk. However, most probably do not suspect that in fact there are two medical institutions at the address of the village of Bogoliuby, Lesnaya St. In addition to the building of the Volyn Regional Hospital with several departments, the private Bogoliuby Medical Center has been operating here for several years. And since September last year, the Center moved to a new building with its own operating rooms, laboratories and a hospital. This allowed to expand the staff of doctors - and then the list of services offered.

Own new building appeared as a building, immediately designed for the needs of the clinic. Already at the development stage, it was known how many rooms were needed for consulting rooms, inpatient wards, manipulation rooms and operating rooms. So, we strictly adhered to state building standards when planning heating, lighting, and other communications. Particular attention is paid to the ventilation system - equipment that is produced in Ukraine by only a few companies occupies a separate cell in the basement. All this allows patients to provide the highest level of comfort. But the main resource of the clinic, of course, is people.

- Our specialists are mainly young, energetic people, together - one strong team - Tatyana Evgeniivna boasts. - Responsible, partial. Each is a high-level specialist, is ready not only to diagnose with modern equipment, but also to advise and support. The best advertisement for a physician is reviews, so we try not only to treat everyone as a patient in need of help, but to see first of all a person who is worring and suffering.

The institution passed state accreditation - a comprehensive check for compliance with modern requirements for assistance, documentation. This allows to perform a number of surgical operations. Regarding gynecology, almost everything is operated on here, up to the removal of fibromatous  nodes 10-11 cm in size. The operations are performed laparoscopically, so instead of a suture, two small punctures remain in place of an open incision. Blood loss also decreases - if with classical surgery it is 200-400 ml, then with laparoscopic surgery it is 20-30. Patients come to gynecological operations from neighboring regions, less often from distant ones, even one or two Kyiv residents come in a month.
From urological operations we carry out - before TUR (transurethral resection) with prostate adenoma. Ultrasonic crushing of kidney stones - a low-traumatic operation once (does not require hospitalization). General surgery - previously cholecystectomy, appendectomy with appendicitis (if this is not an urgent case), vascular surgery of the veins of the lower extremities.
The next stage is plastic surgery (plastic surgery of the upper eyelids, ears, face, mammoplasty and all types of liposuction, including laser). Plastic surgery plans to serve patients not only local, but also visitors from the nearest western regions and Belarus.

The introduction of the latest treatment technologies can reduce hospital stays up to one day after surgery. At home, as you know, the walls heal, so patients stay here longer only of their own free will. The patient, entering the clinic, signs a service agreement and informed consent. The examination takes place on the same day, after lunch - preparation for tomorrow's operation, and the next morning after the intervention, after spending the night, patient can go home. An important factor is the professionalism of anesthetists and the high quality of drugs for anesthesia, which are well tolerated and make it easy to get out of it.
The transaction price includes payment for the work of a surgeon and anesthetist, anesthesia, everything necessary for its implementation and medication, if necessary after the intervention. Moreover, there is no need in the presence of relatives - all expenses are included in the cost of services. Therefore, relatives do not have to run to the pharmacy, carry food, take care of the sick - all this is done by qualified personnel.

To contact the clinic’s specialists for a consultation, examination or surgery, you don’t need a referral - you just need to call to be recorded at a convenient time. You will fall into the hands of experienced, but ready to continue to improve their knowledges constantly, specialists who will provide comprehensive information about your problem, advise on how to solve it, examine and operate. At will, even a video of the operation will be handed over – in case you are interested.

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