Plasma therapy is a procedure that has been used in medicine for more than half a century (in dentistry, traumatology, dermatology, gynecology, etc.), and it is known as autohemotransfusion. Now plasma therapy shows excellent results in aesthetic medicine, because it is able to rejuvenate tissues at all levels. More details about this technique the surgeon gives cosmetologist Olha Petruk. What is plasmotherapy and why is it used in cosmetology? Plasmolifting is a technique that uses its own reserves of the body for rejuvenation, namely blood plasma. In aesthetic medicine, the regenerative properties of plasma are used, which triggers the recovery function, improves blood microcirculation, tissue epithelization, and so on. Due to this, a powerful rejuvenation of tissues occurs at all levels. How active plasma is? I will explain with a simple example. To reduce the effect of botulinum toxin, which relaxes the muscles of the face and prevents the possibility of wrinkling, plasma is injected into this area. After this, the muscles are reinnervated very quickly, that is, their functions are restored. And ordinary gauze compresses soaked in plasma contribute to the very rapid healing of trophic ulcers. That is, plasma is extremely active. When plasmotherapy is recommended? Facial plasma therapy can be used as an independent procedure, as well as preparatory - to shorten the rehabilitation period, for example, before surgical bleferoplasty or other plastic surgery, laser resurfacing, after or before active peels. Plasma therapy can be recommended before the non-surgical facelift with Aptos threads and vector lifting with Radiesse for a better response and a more powerful effect from the procedure. Also, plasma therapy is used for hair loss. In cosmetology, plasma injections are used for rejuvenation, acne treatment, hair loss, skin hyperpigmentation. Also, this procedure is carried out as supporting. Plasma therapy for rejuvenation as a method of preventing age-related changes is suitable, in particular, for proponents of naturalness and naturalness, who are against the introduction of artificial drugs. And also suitable for people who have certain contraindications to the introduction of other drugs. How should one prepare for the procedure and how is it going? First of all, a consultation takes place. Further, if there are no contraindications to the procedure, you need to pass several tests: determine the level of platelets, as well as make an analysis for hepatitis B and C, HIV infection. The platelet level should be sufficient, because the effectiveness of the procedure depends on this indicator. If the test results are good, blood is drawn from a vein (1-2 tubes, that is, the same as with a conventional blood test). During the procedure, only disposable certified test tubes and other instruments are used, which in no case can be reused. They are unpacked in front of the patient. Next, the tubes are placed in a centrifuge, where the plasma separation process takes place, and within 10 minutes this plasma is injected back to the patient in the desired area: face, scalp, neck, décolleté, hands. What should one pay attention to when conducting plasma therapy? During the procedure, the doctor must use special tubes. I work with certified test tubes. This is a prerequisite for plasma therapy! Conventional, biochemical, of course, is much cheaper. But they can not be used to enter the plasma, because its activity is reduced. In addition, the tubes are sprayed, which prevents blood clotting. Biochemical test tubes can be sprayed, which can contain harmful substances that are toxic to the body. Is the procedure performed once or is it necessary to take a course? Plasma therapy is carried out by the course. It is necessary to carry out at least three procedures with an interval of 10-14 days. The course can be repeated once or twice a year. If you do plasmotherapy before vector lifting with Radiesse or before non-surgical facelift with Aptos threads, one procedure is enough as a preparatory stage. I note that after plasma therapy, as well as after any other injection technique, there may be bruises. It all depends on the characteristics of the body. Therefore, the time should be well planned. When does the effect of the procedure become noticeable? The result of plasma therapy is not immediately noticeable, as, say, after the introduction of botulinum toxin. The effect can be seen 7-14 days after the procedure.
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