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License :АГ №570604 Ministry of Health from 11.04.2011.
Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1b Lisova St. – Bogoliuby village (10 km from Lutsk city)
Patient admission schedule: Monday – Friday: from 9.00 till 19.00
The new clinic building is located outside the Volyn Regional Hospital building, next to the forest. The final stop of the city bus is No. 31, 47. You can reach us from the bus stop hotel 'Ukraine' opposite TSUM (department store -Central Universal Fashionable). If you are traveling by personal transport, the address for the navigator: Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1 b Lisova St.
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Nothing betrays age like the eyes and the skin around them. Dark circles, swelling, crow's feet always visually add a couple or three years. And one of the most common cosmetic problems, to which both men and women are equally susceptible, is hernia of the lower eyelid, known to all as "bags" under the eyes.

              Where do they come from?

              The appearance of a hernia of the lower eyelid is explained by a decrease in the tone of facial muscles, loss of skin elasticity, drooping of the eyelid tissues and protrusion of the intraorbital fat layer . All this taken together gives the face a tired expression, "weighs down" the look. 

              Hernia of the century belongs to the category of age-related changes. This defect has several degrees. The first degree is limited only to "bags" under the eyes. The second degree can be distinguished by the clear border between the cheek and the lower eyelid. The third degree is characterized by drooping of the eyebrows, corners of the eyes and swelling of the upper eyelid. At the fourth degree, the nasolacrimal groove deepens and the shape of the eye changes.

              It should be borne in mind that the grunt of the lower eyelid is easily confused with the swelling that accompanies diseases of the spine, endocrine and urinary systems.

              Which contributes to "bag" by Dr. eyes?

              Hernia of the lower eyelid is not an exclusive prerogative of older people, even young people face this problem . Risk factors are:

• stress;

• lack of sleep;

• bad ecology;

• many hours of work at the computer;

• abuse of UV radiation (solarium, beach).

How to get rid of?

No matter how expensive and advertised n e are gels and creams that promise to relieve the buyer from the "bags" under the eyes, they are not able to really solve the problem . Cosmetics are only able to temporarily mask the defect. The way out for hernias of the lower eyelid is transconjunctival blepharoplasty . You can go through this procedure at the Bogolyuby MC . 

Blepharoplasty itself is an eyelid correction procedure. The traditional method involves suturing and is usually used for patients over forty years of age. How does t ranconjunctival blepharoplasty differ from traditional ? In a first, it takes much less time; secondly, the rehabilitation period is faster; thirdly, there are no seams; fourthly, there is no risk of eversion of the eyelid. 

Who is transconjunctival blepharoplasty suitable for ? This method is the best solution for patients under the age of thirty, who already have hernias under the eyes , but the skin of the lower eyelid is still quite elastic and not stretched, and there is no need to excise the excess skin. 

              The average manipulation time is about 40 minutes; it can be performed both under general anesthesia and under local anesthesia . The decision on the choice of the method of pain relief is made by the anesthesiologist after assessing the physical and psychological condition of the patient .

              Features of rehabilitation

              After the operation , strips are applied to the eyelids , which are removed after four days . It is advisable to limit the load on the eyes (reading, using gadgets ) on the first day . Do not be alarmed if there is a feeling of "grit" in the eyes, ripples, or a lack of focus. For the next few days, try to dim the screen, take frequent breaks if you work with a computer, etc. Cold chamomile compresses in the morning and in the evening have a positive effect. In case of hemorrhage in the sclera, the doctor prescribes vasoconstrictor drops. 

              Remember that cosmetic procedures such as facial massage or cleansing are not possible until after a month. After transconjunctival blepharoplasty   two to three weeks are prohibited: the use of contact lenses, swimming pool, sauna, solarium, as well as physical activity with the head tilted down. 





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