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License :АГ №570604 Ministry of Health from 11.04.2011.
Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1b Lisova St. – Bogoliuby village (10 km from Lutsk city)
Patient admission schedule: Monday – Friday: from 9.00 till 19.00
The new clinic building is located outside the Volyn Regional Hospital building, next to the forest. The final stop of the city bus is No. 31, 47. You can reach us from the bus stop hotel 'Ukraine' opposite TSUM (department store -Central Universal Fashionable). If you are traveling by personal transport, the address for the navigator: Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1 b Lisova St.
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Home page Plastic surgery

Tubular bust

Number of views: 18378

The aesthetically attractive form of the bust often largely determines women's self-evaluation. However, not all women are lucky in ideal forms. Someone is gifted with the breasts of Aphrodite, and someone, unfortunately with a goat one.
The tubular (goat) bust  – is a congenital anomaly characterized by changes in the morphology of the mammary gland, which tends to acquire a narrow and long (tubular) shape.
Deformations characteristic of the tubular breast can occur already from adolescence. Unfortunately, the reasons that lead to this state of affairs are not yet known, although hypotheses have been put forward about the participation of environmental and dietary factors.

Features of the tubular

Features of the tubular breast Compared to normal breasts, goat breasts have a more accentuated shape. Depending on the severity of the malformation, and based on the size, the tubular chest is characterized by:

  • insufficient development of the lower quadrants (always present);
  • the absence of intramammary tissue below the chest, which is instead concentrated in the area beyond the areola;
  • an unusually wide gap between the breasts;
  • falling breasts (as they develop).

The anomaly can be unilateral or affect both breasts (bilateral). In most clinical cases, two breasts suffer from malformations in different ways, which leads to more or less pronounced asymmetry.
Although the tubular chest does not constitute a threat to the life of a woman, an unattractive bust can have negative consequences at the psychological level. A patient with goat breasts is prone to show low self-evaluation, feels insecure in communicating with other people and, in particular, with a possible partner. This situation is especially aggravated in adolescence, which in itself is complicated due to the numerous changes occurring in the girl's body.
A patient with goat breasts is prone to show low self-evaluation, feels insecure in communicating with other people and, in particular, with a possible partner. This situation is especially aggravated in adolescence, which in itself is complicated due to the numerous changes occurring in the girl's body.

Types of Tubular Breast

Four types of tubular breasts are classically classified. The first type is characterized by the absence of breast tissue in the inner and lower quadrants of the breast, especially the expanded areola. 
Type two: areoles may not be dilated, usually appears on the chest of small and medium size. Type three:   glandular tissue is not developed in all quadrants of the chest.
Type four: the most severe form of the tubular breast, breast tissue is absent in all quadrants, the breast is unable to develop properly and grows forward. In this case, the areola never takes its normal shape, its size can occupy the entire chest.


The diagnosis is made by  plastic surgeons  or mammologists with experience in this field. It is crucial to determine the type of goat’s breast, since only in this way can it be predicted which treatment is best for correcting malformations.


The only way out for correcting the tubular breast is through surgery. There are many methods that can be used and they vary depending on the severity of the anomaly. Mainly, the correction of the tubular shape of the breast is aimed at increasing the base of the mammary gland, with the elimination of the tendency of sagging.
Breast lift or lifting is an intervention that may be useful for goat breasts of the first or second type. In this case, the operation helps eliminate sagging breasts, change the shape and size of the areola. An increase in breast  volume makes sense with tubular breasts of the third or fourth type.  
Another aesthetic intervention worth mentioning is –  lipofilling. Its meaning is to remove adipose tissue from the area of the body where it is present in abundance (“donor area”) and, after cleaning, to re-introduce it into areas that require volume. A big advantage of the method is the absence of potential allergic reactions. However, after injection, this fat is usually partially absorbed by the body in unpredictable percentages. This characteristic means that lipofilling is more used as an adjuvant technique for the correction of tubular breasts. The use of lipofilling as the only method of treatment can occur in rare cases, at the discretion of the surgeon.
It should be borne in mind that performing just lifting or increasing the volume of the breast does not solve the problem. In fact, general remodeling of the glandular tissue and the entire breast is required. For this reason, such surgical intervention in the Bogoliuby MC is performed only by highly qualified specialists.

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