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License :АГ №570604 Ministry of Health from 11.04.2011.
Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1b Lisova St. – Bogoliuby village (10 km from Lutsk city)
Patient admission schedule: Monday – Friday: from 9.00 till 19.00
The new clinic building is located outside the Volyn Regional Hospital building, next to the forest. The final stop of the city bus is No. 31, 47. You can reach us from the bus stop hotel 'Ukraine' opposite TSUM (department store -Central Universal Fashionable). If you are traveling by personal transport, the address for the navigator: Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1 b Lisova St.
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Home page Dermatovenerology


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Whatever was promised in unscrupulous advertising, it is impossible to cure psoriasis. But it can and should be controlled. What you need to do for this, what really helps, and what is a myth, tells Borys Mindiuk, a dermatovenerologist at the Bogoliuby center.

What is a treatment of psoriasis and is it treatable well?

Treatment is selected individually. It includes taking medication, external (ointment) therapy, physiotherapy, and health-resort treatment (spa treatment). Physiotherapy is highly effective in the treatment of psoriasis. And we, unfortunately, pay little attention to it. In particular, for physiotherapy with psoriasis, all spectra of ultraviolet radiation are used. Apply PUVA therapy, it is quite effective, but has adverse effects. Today, the UVB spectrum is used for treatment, namely, 311 nm waves. This method is called narrowband phototherapy. It gives the maximum effect, allows to achieve remission, and at the same time does not create a negative effect on the skin. We have patients who, only through phototherapy, have achieved long-term remission without the use of medications. Such procedures take place three times a week, the duration of the course is 20 procedures.

How effective is health-resort (spa) treatment for psoriasis?

For all patients with psoriasis, we recommend spa treatment. It really gives a result! Very often, after relaxing at sea, swimming and sunbathing, people return home with clean skin, without obvious external manifestations of psoriasis.
Relaxation on the Black Sea one can help, but to the other not, it will give someone a positive result of recovery in the Baltic, Dead, Mediterranean Sea, but it will not help to the other. But if you plan to go to the sea for a week, it is better not to go at all. For 10 days, the body will receive 6 days of adaptive stress. Rest for the purpose of healing and treatment should last no less than 21 days.
In Ukraine, the only specialized sanatorium where patients with psoriasis were treated called Nemyriv in the Lviv region. Now only the department where they make sulfur baths works there. Therefore, those who want to undergo treatment live in the private sector, but visit procedures.
In general, any rest is a lack of stress, a positive effect on the body, and therefore a therapeutic factor in psoriasis.
Once again I note: there are no treatment methods with a 100% guarantee. But in principle, spa treatment allows you to achieve a certain remission without the use of medications. People feel good until the next exacerbation of the disease.

Does it mean that if there are no external manifestations, it is impossible to talk about recovery?

A condition without rashes is called remission. Our task is to extend it as much as possible, to delay the next exacerbation away, with preventive measures, spa treatment, diet, etc.

Does nutrition affects psoriasis?

Do you recommend any diet? Nutrition is important. With psoriasis, the Pegano diet is effective. It uses mainly Mediterranean products, but it is quite possible to adapt it to our conditions. Although a direct relationship between the use of certain foods and exacerbation of psoriasis has not been established. However, a change in diet yields results.

. It is believed that with psoriasis, winter swimming, dousing with cold water are useful. Does it really help?

I am not in favour of extreme types of recovery. Whatever was promised in unscrupulous advertising, it is impossible to cure psoriasis. But it can and should be controlled. What you need to do for this, what really helps, and what is a myth, says Borys Mindiuk, a dermatovenerologist at the Bogoliuby center.

Are there alternative methods of medicine, for example, soaking therapy or lotions that help with psoriasis?

The use of lotions for psoriasis is not suitable, because it leads to overdrying of already dry skin. As a result, the formation of cracks, bleeding and other unpleasant consequences can be provoked. But ointments, in particular with herbs, can and should be used. There are pharmacy preparations made on a plant basis without the use of chemicals. Often used various homemade ointments. In principle, all petroleum refined products (like petroleum jelly, refined solidol, etc.) can even help with psoriasis without application. But it should be noted, this is all individual.

Can you find special devices that treat psoriasis on sale?

Are they able to help? On the Internet, other media, you can find a lot of offers for the sale of miracle devices that promise to "forget about psoriasis forever." It should be noticed that any of such method of treatment must undergo a series of studies, the information of the results of which can always be found. In addition, the degree of effectiveness in the disease for the treatment of which it is intended should be indicated for each method. Be aware that the uncontrolled use of any devices can cause irreparable harm to your body.

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