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License :АГ №570604 Ministry of Health from 11.04.2011.
Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1b Lisova St. – Bogoliuby village (10 km from Lutsk city)
Patient admission schedule: Monday – Friday: from 9.00 till 19.00
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Pregnancy and beauty: about fingernail polish

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Pregnancy and beauty: about fingernail polish, фото

A long-awaited pregnancy – is happiness in itself, and a responsible expectant mother listens to useful tips such as walking more in the fresh air, not overworking, eating right. But often a pregnant woman is too hard following not only important and well-founded recommendations, but also various superstitions, refusing herself a good haircut, hair coloring, habitual make-up or varnish manicure. Regarding the last, today's article is. 
Often, we see questions at the Bogoliuby Medical Center website about whether is it safe to use nail polish? An unequivocal answer cannot be given, since it may vary depending on the type of product and the reason why enamel is used. In fact, if the varnish is cosmetic, then, subject to certain precautions, its use is allowed. On the other hand, if there is a need for therapeutic enamel, then in this case the opinion of the doctor must be taken into account

Nail polish

Nail polish  – is a varnish that is used exclusively for aesthetic purposes. There are a great varieties of them on the market: color, transparent, with and without gloss, glossy, matte and so on. But the product in question can be used during pregnancy if:

  • there is no doubt in the quality of the varnish, it is of a known«origin» (it is better not to take cheap bottles without labels);
  • it does not contain substances such as toluene, formaldehyde and phthalates (in particular, dibutyl phthalate - DBF).

Read carefully the compound.
After you have determined whether the varnish is of good quality, apply it in a well-ventilated area, avoiding inhalation of product fumes. Even if there is no toluene and formaldehyde in the composition, the smell of enamel can cause nausea or vomiting, as pregnant women, as a rule, become more sensitive to various types of odors. 
It is important to apply the enamel exactly on the nail plate, avoiding smearing on the skin around the nail. Use safe solvents to remove nail polish during pregnancy. 
It is obvious that the above precautions are not superfluous for all women, regardless of being in an»interesting position. And if the use of varnish for aesthetic purposes is not mandatory, then the use of this product can be abandoned until the end of pregnancy. Particular attention should be paid to pregnant women that the use of gel polish, as well as semi-permanent glazes, should be avoided, as these products can harm the fetus.
Since the practice of nail reconstruction involves the application of enamel, which will dry under low-power ultraviolet lamps placed inside special ovens, plus an aggressive solvent is used to remove the gel.

Healing varnish

The therapeutic nail polish  used for medical purposes has nothing to do with the classic color or colorless varnish. Essentially, it is a medical glaze, a medicine consisting of active ingredients, the use of which is necessary to counteract certain nail pathologies.
For example, coating with therapeutic enamel based on active antifungal ingredients is justified only if prescribed by a dermatologist. . Many medicinal varnishes against  onychomycosis are now available without a prescription, but it is extremely undesirable to resort to their use by pregnant women without first consulting a doctor.

Negative effects

Improper or excessive use of varnish during pregnancy can lead to:

  • brittle nails;
  • leukonychia (white spots);
  • stratification of nails;

In addition, enamels can provoke allergic reactions in the form of redness and burning of the skin, urticaria, itching.
In addition to all of the above, we note that pregnant women during the manicure procedure must ensure that with the utmost severity all necessary hygiene measures (disposable tools, sterilization) are observed. This will avoid the occurrence of any infections (bacterial, viral, fungal) that could harm your baby.

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