Often, women who seek help at the Bogoliuby Center for Reproductive Medicine, our experts recommend conducting so-called hysteroresectoscopie. What is hysteroresectoscopie? Hysteroresectoscopie - is a modern organ-preserving technology that allows transcervical operations on the uterus without violating the integrity of its wall. HRS, as a rule, is used to treat the most complex intrauterine pathology and differs significantly from hysteroscopy (HS). Hysteroresectoscopie requires substantial preoperative preparation. At the first stage of the examination, diagnostic hysteroscopy is performed. Further, depending on the indications drug preparation of the endometrium and myometrium is prescribed by antagonists gonadotropin-releasing hormone. The next step is a clinical and laboratory examination, which includes general tests of urine and blood, a vaginal smear for purity, as well as a biochemical blood test, serum electrolytes, Wasserman reaction and preparation of the gastrointestinal tract (enema, fasting study). In addition, it is necessary to do an ECG and undergo a preliminary consultation with a therapist.
Distinctive features of hysteroresectoscopie from hysteroscopy
Hysteroresectoscopie, in contrast to hysteroscopy, requires:
- a preliminary histological examination of endometrial ;
- scraping • laparoscopic control;
- the use of special non-electrolyte solutions;
- fluid deficiency monitoring needs;.
The optimal duration of Hysteroresectoscopie is immediately after menstruation or 4-6 weeks after injection of agonists gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Anesthesia is a general anesthesia.
Indications for Hysteroresectoscopie
- sumbucous myoma;
- recurrent polyposis;
- recurrent hyperplasia;
- uterine septum;
- synechia of the uterine cavity.
Contraindications to Hysteroresectoscopie
- acute infectious diseases;
- acute inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
- severe extragenital diseases of the cardiovascular system and parenchymal organs;
- pregnancy;
- malignant diseases of the cervix..
Specialists of the Bogoliuby Center for Reproductive Medicine note that the use of Hysteroresectoscopie in the treatment of patients with menstrual dysfunction and in reproductive (infertility and habitual miscarriage) dysfunction can significantly improve women's reproductive health.