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License :АГ №570604 Ministry of Health from 11.04.2011.
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Patient admission schedule: Monday – Friday: from 9.00 till 19.00
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Swollen scrotum: what are the causes and how to eliminate it?

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Swelling of the testicles can certainly be a cause for concern, as well as significant physical discomfort. This condition can occur for a variety of reasons, and given the sensitivity of the affected area, it is important to see a urologist as soon as possible. The purpose of this article is to explain the various causes of scrotal swelling, review possible treatment options, and highlight the importance of timely prevention for the health and well-being of the patient.

Scrotal swelling is often caused by fluid accumulation, or inflammation, within the scrotum. It can be primary or secondary. In the former case, the swelling is not caused by other pathologies, and in the latter case, it occurs in combination with specific conditions, which we will shortly look at individually.

What causes testicular swelling?

Scrotal swelling is also often referred to as a hydrocele, which occurs when fluid accumulates between the two layers of the sac lining the testicles. This condition can occur not only in adults, but also in newborns. In children, scrotal swelling is often caused by an inability to reabsorb the fluid present in the sacs that form during testicular development. Or it is due to fever and infections, which can lead to increased fluid in the abdomen that can move into the scrotum. However, in adults, scrotal swelling can also be caused by other causes, which we will look at below.

Epididymitis is an inflammation of the epididymis, a small, twisted tube located at the back of the testicles where sperm mature and are stored. Epididymitis is often caused by infections, including sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, or urinary tract infections, which then spread to the epididymis.

Varicocele is a dilation of the veins of the scrotum, a condition similar to the varicose veins that can be seen on the legs. Varicocele, in addition to causing swelling of the scrotum, also causes severe pain and a feeling of heaviness.

Another common cause of scrotal swelling is an inguinal hernia, which occurs when part of the intestine protrudes through a weak spot in the muscles of the abdominal wall. This condition can cause visible swelling and often causes severe pain when walking or exercising.

How to reduce swelling?

It is important to note that the treatment for this condition depends largely on the underlying cause. For conditions such as epididymitis or other infections, the urologist will usually prescribe antibiotics to eliminate the infection. In this case, it is very important to complete the full course of prescribed antibiotics to ensure that the infection disappears completely and to prevent possible recurrence.

Surgical treatment: In this case, drainage of the existing fluid will be required, which can be done through needle aspiration or hydrocelectomy. Needle aspiration is done when the swelling is moderate. Hydrocelectomy is a surgery performed in the presence of large and very painful swelling under general or local anesthesia. The operation involves making an incision at the level of the scrotum or lower abdomen and draining the fluid present in the scrotum.

While the patient is awaiting surgical treatment, rest and the use of jockstraps are often recommended, which can relieve acute pain. The use of ice packs is also often recommended to reduce swelling and provide temporary pain relief. This is a useful remedy, especially when the swelling of the scrotum is caused by an injury or after surgery.

What to do to prevent swelling of the scrotum?

To do this, lifestyle changes are recommended, especially after surgery. This often includes avoiding prolonged standing and maintaining a normal body weight. It is very important not to ignore the slightest signs of a problem and to know that you can always count on an open dialogue with a specialist at the center.


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