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License :АГ №570604 Ministry of Health from 11.04.2011.
Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1b Lisova St. – Bogoliuby village (10 km from Lutsk city)
Patient admission schedule: Monday – Friday: from 9.00 till 19.00
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Home page Urology. Man's health

Retrograde ejaculation

Number of views: 23010

You can talk about  retrograde ejaculation  when, during masturbation, sexual intercourse or other adequate sexual stimulation, ejaculation does not occur or occurs after a long period of time.

Retrograde ejaculation or задержка эякуляции - delayed ejaculation is a common disorder of the orgasm phase, although it is less common than premature ejaculation. Delay in the act of ejaculation, emission of sperm from the penis often leads to  anorgasmia.

The classification  зof the disease depends on the life span of the patient when the aforementioned disorder first occurred. The primary delay in ejaculation is manifested in the very first sexual intercourse, and the secondary after a certain period of normal sexual activity. A “situational” delay in ejaculation is also possible, when the problem rarely arises and depends on the environment and partner.

Experts classify the delay in ejaculation also depending on the reasons: whether there is a delay in ejaculation on an organic basis, whether the violation is caused by the use of certain drugs, neurological diseases or diabetes. The cause of the disease can also be rooted deep in the male soul, where it is difficult to understand without an experienced psychologist.

The classification of the disease according to the degree of intensity of the disorder is divided into two classes:

class 1: sexual intercourse takes a long time and the tremors of a man are especially energetic in order to quickly reach orgasm;

class 2: A man suffering from a delay in ejaculation is not able to complete the act.

ТA severe form of delayed ejaculation is associated mainly with diseases of neurological origin. At this difficult stage, the man is in an uncontrollable situation, because the act of ejaculation does not occur in the presence of a woman, but can only happen with the help of masturbation (class 3). The most problematic phase is when the man is not at all capable of ejaculation, in this case real   anejaculation  takes place (class 4).

Delayed ejaculation of an organic nature is the least common form, however, the organic causes are numerous and heterogeneous. Among endocrine disorders leading to the problem of delayed ejaculation, it is important to remember diabetes, hypothyroidism, Parkinson's disease, neuropathy, multiple sclerosis.

. If we are talking about drugs that affect ejaculation, then the most dangerous drugs from this point of view are antipsychotics, opiates, cannabinoids, as well as serotonergic and tricyclic antidepressants. Excessive intake of alcohol also leads to a delay in ejaculation.

Therapy of the disease is aimed at solving and predicting the situation associated with the underlying problem. It is clear that if the patient complains about the delay in the act of ejaculation only because of stress, then the treatment will not be so difficult compared to the delay in ejaculation caused, for example, by drug abuse.

The treatment of premature ejaculation has two main approaches:

A) medication;

B) psychotherapeutic.

. Drug therapy of the disease is based on the introduction of drugs that stimulate the nerve centers responsible for orgasm. The psychotherapeutic approach to the problem involves a deep and frank dialogue with a partner who is able to play a key role in the relationship of the couple. This method of treatment is useful for both partners in the sense that it helps to acquire the ability to harmoniously and with mutual respect to satisfy the psychological and physiological needs of each other.

Some experts recommend hypnosis for the treatment of premature ejaculation, but not all doctors confirm the effectiveness of this practice. Self-medication in most cases does not give good results at all.

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