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License :АГ №570604 Ministry of Health from 11.04.2011.
Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1b Lisova St. – Bogoliuby village (10 km from Lutsk city)
Patient admission schedule: Monday – Friday: from 9.00 till 19.00
The new clinic building is located outside the Volyn Regional Hospital building, next to the forest. The final stop of the city bus is No. 31, 47. You can reach us from the bus stop hotel 'Ukraine' opposite TSUM (department store -Central Universal Fashionable). If you are traveling by personal transport, the address for the navigator: Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1 b Lisova St.
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Urinary tract infections: what you need to know?

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Urinary tract infections ( UTIs ) are infections that affect the components of the urinary tract, namely: kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Infectious lesions of the kidneys are called pyelonephritis, cystitis of the bladder, and finally, urethral infection is known as urethritis.

Clinically, upper urinary tract infections are of greater concern than lower urinary tract infections. This is due to possible kidney damage, which can occur as a result of a kidney or ureter infection.

Who risks more?

Urinary tract infections are more common in women than men, especially between the ages of 16 and 35. Medical and statistical studies show that these infections are four times more common in women of the specified age than in their male peers.

In men, urinary tract infections are a rather rare phenomenon until middle age (up to 50-60 years); after which they become more frequent, so much so that they almost "catch up" with the female sex.

Among young people, the infections under consideration affect less than 10%. Cystitis is undoubtedly the most common disease among various types of urinary tract infections . An interesting fact: 40-60% of women and 12% of men experience urinary tract infections at least once in their lives.

What is the reason for women's susceptibility to urinary tract infections? These are: a short urethra, the proximity of the urethra to the anal region (this leads to the colonization of the urethral canal with microbes from the intestines), the absence of bactericidal secretion of the prostate gland, injuries due to sexual intercourse, the use of contraceptives (spirals or diaphragms) and, finally, pregnancy with accompanying urinary stasis and anatomical and endocrine changes.

In men, the risk of IHD increases after 50 years due to urinary retention in the case of prostatic hypertrophy, a condition typical for older men.

What are the causes of urinary tract infections?

Under normal conditions, urine is sterile, as are all urinary tracts, with the exception of the terminal part of the male urethra, where there is a small amount of harmless bacterial flora. Maintaining sterility depends on complete and frequent emptying of the bladder.

Urinary tract infection occurs when colonies of pathogens, usually bacteria, rarely fungi and viruses, massively penetrate the urethra and from there begin to rise to the bladder and subsequent parts of the genitourinary system.

Symptoms of IS Ш : what are they?

In general, all urinary tract infections cause an urgent urge to urinate, but poor urine output, sometimes associated with nocturia ; pain and burning during urination (dysuria); problems with complete emptying of the bladder; pain in the lower abdomen; discharge of cloudy urine with an unpleasant odor and /or traces of blood; feeling of general malaise and fatigue.

However, in the case of upper urinary tract infections, the following symptoms are almost always added: high fever and chills; back pain; nausea and vomiting. Elderly people may experience loss of appetite, lethargy, and confusion.

Sometimes urinary tract infections can occur without pronounced clinical manifestations.

When to see a doctor?

І СШ . Frequent and difficult urination, pain is an alarm bell. In the presence of any of the above symptoms, consultation with a urologist is very important. If you have any doubts or questions about your urological health, you can seek advice from the specialists of Bogolyuba Medical Center . Treatment of urinary tract infections depends on the cause of their occurrence.

Complications of UTI

If urinary tract infections are not treated in time and properly, the development of complications is possible, including a tendency to easily develop repeated urinary tract infections, permanent kidney damage, urethral stricture in men, premature birth in pregnant women, sepsis. With adequate, timely and correctly conducted therapy, urinary tract infections usually have a positive prognosis.


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Надія 2024-10-02
Добрий день. Дівчинка 12 років, постійний цикл ще не встановився, місячні почалися приблизно 7 місяців тому. У вересні були 3 дні невеликі, мажучі виділення, потім через два тижні розпочалися звичайні місячні, але тривають вже 8 днів, вийшов невеликий згусток. За кількістю і кольором начебто нормальні, її нічого не болить, скарг немає.Таке перший раз, чи варто вже звернутися до гінеколога, чи почекати наступних місячних?
Надіє, можете почекати наступних місячних, оскільки цикл у дівчинки іще не стабілізувався. Проте, якщо Вас ситуація непокоїть, то запис на прийом до дитячого гінеколога - за телефонами, вказаними на сайті.
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