Bacterial vaginosis -is a condition characterized by changes in the normal ecosystem of the vagina and its pH, an imbalance between the quantitative and qualitative composition of the saprophytic flora that inhabits the vaginal environment.In particular, there is a decrease in lactobacilli (or Doderlein rods), which maintain the vaginal environment slightly acidic (the normal pH of the vagina is about 4.5), thereby protecting the body from the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
Bacterial vaginosis, like any vaginal infection, may initially seem like a trivial problem that the patient, if he does not ignore, then at least underestimate. It must be borne in mind that when making the above diagnosis, due to the risk of complications and relapses, appropriate treatment should be prescribed immediately. Otherwise, bacterial vaginosis will run the risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease. Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy is fraught with rupture of the fetal bladder and premature birth.
Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis
Therapy - - topical or intravaginal, should be prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication is not recommended. One of the most widely used drugs in this area is metronidazole.
Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis
The most common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are an unpleasant vaginal odor (which women usually attribute to poor personal hygiene), grayish-white discharge. This smell of rotten fish is caused by amines - cadaverine and putrescine, which are products of bacterial metabolism. . Rarely, in contrast to candidiasis and trichomoniasis - a sensation of itching and irritation.
Causes of Bacterial Vaginosis
The real cause of bacterial vaginosis is still the subject of study and research. Traditionally, the main culprit of the disease was Gardnerella, whose transmission route is sexual. In this regard, a large number of sexual partners was designated as the main risk factor. In addition, male sperm, among other things, changes the pH of the vagina and prevents the development of lactobacilli. Modern research does not categorically disprove this theory, but it reveals more complex mechanisms. Now it is more appropriate to suspect that the onset of bacterial vaginosis is associated with the simultaneous interaction of various causes.
Risk factors
Among the most significant risk factors - are improper intimate hygiene (for example, excessive enthusiasm for douching), the use of antibiotics, contraceptives(IUDs), and a genetic predisposition.
Prevention of bacterial vaginosis
Prevention of bacterial vaginosis consists in observing the rules of basic hygiene, using pH-neutral detergents. Aggressive disinfectants, aromatic powders and sprays should be avoided. Do not wear synthetic underwear, tight and tight pants that retain moisture and heat, thereby creating favorable conditions for the development of harmful microorganisms.