Cyclic pain in the mammary glands is a physiological symptom that appears in days that _ _ precede the onset of menstruation. It is benign phenomenon and does not depend from any pathologies.
What are the reasons?
Periodic pain bound in the chest with hormonal fluctuations , typical for premenstrual period _ The mentioned state depends from level _ estrogens in the blood . These hormones together with progesterone control leakage monthly cycle. As a side effect, they contribute to a temporary increase in the mammary gland, which causes tension and more or less pronounced discomfort.
Sometimes painful sensations , characteristic of premenstrual period , they can last longer , acquiring such characteristics as tingling , swelling and heaviness in one or both mammary glands. The most affected quadrants are external , especially the upper quadrant. These disorders can spread to the armpits and hands and can be associated with menstrual rhythm disorders. In such cases, the cause is associated with a change in the function of the ovaries and, in particular, with the fact that these organs secrete more estrogen and/or less progesterone than usual. As a rule, it is temporary disorder _
How does this happen?
Cyclical pain in the chest can have different intensity and vary from feeling lung pain gland to dull and constant pain. Also he manifests feelings severity or stinging and stinging attacks . As a rule, typical cyclic pain impresses both glands and may be aggravated by certain movements. Many women report increased pain when jogging, during intercourse, when lifting weights, or simply when hugging another person. The condition arises 5-10 days before the onset of menstruation .
When to see a doctor?
Although periodic chest pain is almost always benign, you should consult a doctor if he intensive so much so that interferes with your normal daily activities; does not pass with the end of menstruation; is localized in a certain point and is not eliminated by conventional analgesics. Do not neglect the condition when milky glands by touch lumpy and hard masses do not disappear after menstruation ; nipples retracted ; mammary gland changed natural form In the above cases, it makes sense to consult a mammologist MC " Bogolyuby " for diagnosis problems and appointment of adequate therapy.
What shall I do?
With the onset of menstruation, and therefore with decrease estrogen and increasing progesterone, the situation normalizes. The volume of the gland decreases, and the tension and swelling weaken until they disappear. Avoid wearing bras and tight clothing during premenstrual period phases maybe relieve discomfort.
Cyclical chest pain tends to resolve spontaneously without the need for medication. However, when the pain becomes severe carry , the most effective medicines there are analgesics. In some cases, women need strong drugs, then the doctor can prescribe the patient drugs that can block the action of hormones responsible for breast pain at the level of membrane receptors.
For preventive purposes, do not forget to regularly conduct monthly self-examination dairy glands , and contact your doctor immediately if you notice any suspicious changes in your breasts.