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License :АГ №570604 Ministry of Health from 11.04.2011.
Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1b Lisova St. – Bogoliuby village (10 km from Lutsk city)
Patient admission schedule: Monday – Friday: from 9.00 till 19.00
The new clinic building is located outside the Volyn Regional Hospital building, next to the forest. The final stop of the city bus is No. 31, 47. You can reach us from the bus stop hotel 'Ukraine' opposite TSUM (department store -Central Universal Fashionable). If you are traveling by personal transport, the address for the navigator: Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1 b Lisova St.
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Menarche - first menstruation: what you need to know?

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Menarche is the appearance of the first menstruation. This event marks the beginning of puberty and entry into childbearing age. The term " menarche " comes from the Greek words " menos " (month) and " arche " (beginning), which emphasizes the cyclical nature of the phenomenon.

For a girl, menarche is a fundamental moment from a physical and psychological point of view, since it marks the transition to adulthood. This event actually opens the period of female fertility. During this stage of development, a number of physiological processes and anatomical changes occur that prepare the body for full puberty. Menarche also marks the beginning of ovarian activity, culminating in ovulation in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

At what age does menarche begin ?

Girls do not always reach puberty at the same age. The timing of the changes associated with puberty varies greatly from person to person. In most cases , menarche occurs between the ages of 11 and 16 years, although the first menstrual flow appears on average at 12-13 years. In any case, this phenomenon is very subjective, as it depends on various biological, environmental, hormonal and genetic factors.

Premature and late puberty

When your first period appears before the age of 10, it is called precocious puberty. If menarche is delayed, i.e. appears between the ages of 16 and 18 years, this is considered delayed puberty. The absence of menstruation after 18 years is defined as primary amenorrhea.

It is quite common for women from the same family to reach puberty at approximately the same age. If the mother begins her period early, it is likely that the girl will develop earlier. Family predisposition also extends to late entry into puberty.

What are the possible disorders after menarche ?

At the beginning, menstruation is irregular. It may happen that the discharge appears at intervals of two to three weeks or only once every two to three months. The intensity of menstruation can also vary greatly from one cycle to another (sometimes the discharge is very scanty, sometimes heavy). The regularity of the cycle depends on many factors . Rhythm and quantity disturbances  and/or the length of the menstrual cycle can be considered normal for approximately two years after menarche . It usually normalizes spontaneously and does not require any treatment.

What factors influence menarche ? The initial regularity of monthly cycles can be affected by mental and mental stress, such as excessive school work, family conflicts, excessive physical activity (competitive sports) and sudden changes in weight.

How to prepare for menarche ?

At this stage of development, girls tend to face deep internal conflicts that lead to anxiety, behavioral excesses and mood swings. Especially during this period, parents should show interest and understanding in the problems their children face, trying to establish a dialogue based on trust. In this context, it is useful to talk with your daughter about menstruation before it appears, so that the girl is prepared, considers what is happening completely normal and is not surprised by the sudden onset of menarche . 

Parents should inform the girl in detail and without prejudice about the importance of the sexual changes that this period entails. With this approach, it is also important to clearly understand that the onset of pregnancy is possible at the first menstruation (and first ovulation).

In case of prolonged irregularities or absence of menstruation (amenorrhea), you should contact a gynecologist at the Bogolyuby MC so that the doctor can evaluate the development of the uterus and ovaries, general development and physical condition, and also answer any questions regarding pregnancy and contraception.













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Надія 2024-10-22
Доньці 13 років 5,09,2024 почалась перша менструація, цього місяця ще не було. Можна до вас записатись на консультацію, яка вартість?
Надіє, хвилюватися не варто, оскільки менструальний цикл у Вашої доньки стабілізується і така затримка - це нормально. Так, записатися на консультацію до дитячого гінеколога можна. Консультація дитячого лікаря-гінеколога - 430 грн
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Наталія 2024-10-05
Добрий вечір.У дівчинки 11 років розвивається і росте одна грудь,були у ендокринолога,направили на УЗД,по узд залозиста тканина є і все без патологій,що далі робити,як це виправити,чи це лікується якось?.Бо вже видно різницю в грудях
Це питання до дитячого ендокринолога, у нас в штаті, на жаль немає такого спеціаліста.
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Марина 2024-05-09
Доброго дня. Хочу запитати у дівчинки 10 років почались місячні, це не рано?
Марино, це може бути варіантом норми.
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Фруня 2024-03-08
Доброго дня. Дівчинці 14 років. Затримка місячних, але зараз періодичні сильні болі як при місячних та іноді кровянисті/прозорі виділиня але не місячні. Вже на протязі 3-4 днів. Що може бути?
Вам варто звернутися із дівчинкою на очну консультацію до дитячого гінеколога для діагностики проблеми. Запис на прийом - за телефонами, вказаними на сайті.
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