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License :АГ №570604 Ministry of Health from 11.04.2011.
Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1b Lisova St. – Bogoliuby village (10 km from Lutsk city)
Patient admission schedule: Monday – Friday: from 9.00 till 19.00
The new clinic building is located outside the Volyn Regional Hospital building, next to the forest. The final stop of the city bus is No. 31, 47. You can reach us from the bus stop hotel 'Ukraine' opposite TSUM (department store -Central Universal Fashionable). If you are traveling by personal transport, the address for the navigator: Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1 b Lisova St.
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Pregnancy and sex: are there any risks?

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Is it possible or not to have sex during pregnancy? Is there a risk of harm to the baby? Is this dangerous? Talking about sex during pregnancy is practically taboo, given all the fears that exist on the subject. Let's try to dispel some popular myths.

It is a common misconception that sex during pregnancy can harm the baby's health. In fact, the fetus is protected within the amniotic sac and sealed by the mucus plug.  If there is no threat of miscarriage, sexual intercourse can be continued during the nine-month waiting period. A woman's body changes during pregnancy and it is normal for libido to experience huge changes. 

 Sex During Pregnancy: First Trimester

The first months of pregnancy are certainly the most intense in terms of symptoms: the first nausea, vomiting, fatigue come. And along with this, libido falls. According to some statistics, about 20% of women note a decrease in sexual desire during this period. In the second or third month, unfortunately, nausea continues, as does a feeling of general malaise. This is the moment when many women ask for more attention, they want to be held and loved, they prefer affection to something more intimate. In a couple, the practice of caressing can be very useful, even without any sexual intention. It seems that sexual activity should stop there, but it does not!

Sex During Pregnancy: Second Trimester

The necessary gynecological examinations have already been carried out, and everything seems to be normal, the fear of a possible miscarriage has disappeared or, at least, has significantly decreased. Some women feel more energetic and energized, thanks to hormones that make their skin smoother, their hair softer, their breasts firmer. They feel more beautiful and confident in their bodies. And this leads them to more sexual relationships, to the joy of both in the couple. The fatigue of the first months has disappeared, and the woman feels more active not only physically, but also sexually. The breasts and perineum become more sensitive and allow the couple to experiment with new games. Hormones cause increased blood flow in the pelvic area, making the genitals more swollen and voluminous. What does it mean? The orgasm becomes more intense. However, there is a fear of the contractions felt during orgasm. The woman is more likely to try new positions during sex, so as not to harm the baby and because the belly begins to become bulky. One of the favorites is the spoon position, which allows for more contact between the two partners.

Sex During Pregnancy: Third Trimester

 The abdomen increases in size and the woman feels more tired when moving, mainly due to frequent back pain and swelling of the legs. Sexual desire suddenly drops. Suppressing sexual desire at this stage of pregnancy is completely normal. The woman is approaching the moment of birth, and the fear of harming the child is stronger than ever. The uterus descends and during penetration the penis may touch the cervix, which has become very fragile and vascularized . This may lead to minor blood loss, which may aggravate the woman's fears. On the other hand, the man is afraid not only of causing physical harm to the woman and the child, but also of inappropriately expressing sexual desires towards the pregnant partner . Both partners can find common ground in their needs. For example, it is very convenient for a future mother to be in a position with a partner from behind: this way, the problem of a large belly will not arise. 

When is sex not recommended?

In the first months, there may be a risk of miscarriage if the pregnancy is not stable and does not proceed in a healthy manner. Another case in which it is not recommended to have sexual intercourse is premature rupture of the amniotic sac or placenta previa . The specialists of the Bogolyuby Medical Center remind that the key to any good relationship is dialogue, especially in the sexual life of a couple. Sex can and should be experienced calmly even during pregnancy.



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Юлія 2024-12-29
Вагітна на сьомому тижні. Вчора після статевого акту було виділення рожевого кольору, а сьогодні вʼязке прозоре але трохи світло-коричневе. Що це може бути? Чи норма це?
Юліє, спостерігайте за станом. Можливо було місцеве травмування слизової. Якщо з'являться кров'я нисті виділення - то може бути ознакою загрози переривання вагітності. Для діагностики стану варто пройти огляд гінеколога.
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Карина 2024-12-21
Хотела узнать можно ли в 30 недель заниматься половым актом?
Так, Катерино, можна, якщо немає протипоказів.
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Светлана 2024-11-08
Здрастуйте. Скажите, сколько сперма хранится на влажних салфетках в герметичной пачке, влажная среда. Били виделение мужа (сперма или смазка) на пальцях, винимала салфетки с пачки, много винулось и половину салфеток запихнула назад в пачку теми же грязними пальцями в сперма. На следующий день или два винула салфетки и очень хороший ими подтералась много раз, как би подмилась, и зайшла ими во влагалище немного. После єтого водой не подмивалась. Можеть ли бить беременность. Дни овуляии били. Салфетки детские, рН видержаное, вітаміни (склад салфеток)
Світлано, причин для хвилювання немає. За описаних умов вагітність неможлива.
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Аріна 2024-09-28
Коли я вагітна , чоловік може в мене кінчати ?
Так, Аріно, може.
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