Burning during urination is a very common symptom that can affect anyone. Women have more problems with the genitourinary system than men, mainly due to anatomical reasons. The female body has a shorter urethra than the male, and it is located in close proximity to the entrance to the vagina, from which various pathogens can ascend the urethra, causing an infection.
What are the causes of burning when urinating? There are many reasons, so let's look at the main ones. Urinary tract infections: most often, this is urethritis and cystitis (inflammation of the urethra and bladder, respectively). The most common pathogens are: E. Coli , cytomegalovirus , herpes simplex type II. They develop due to poor personal hygiene or anogenital infection. In addition to the burning sensation, the following are observed: pain, blood in the urine, difficult and painful urination, frequent release of small amounts of urine.
This type of infection should never be underestimated, as the pathogen can spread throughout the urinary tract until it reaches the kidney. Kidney infection is called pyelonephritis and is a fairly serious condition that, in severe cases, can lead to the loss of the infected kidney.
STDs and Kidney Stones
The most common sexually transmitted diseases are: gonorrhea (an infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae ), genital herpes (caused by herpes simplex virus type II), chlamydial infection, syphilis (caused by Treponema Pallidum ).
The presence of stones in the renal pelvis, ureters or bladder, causing urinary stasis, significantly increases the risk of urinary tract infections with accompanying burning during urination. They are also accompanied by pain that radiates from the lumbosacral region to the groin, and hematuria.
Prostatitis and prostate cancer
In men, prostatitis and prostate cancer are different and unrelated diseases that can be a fairly common cause of burning, especially in people over 50 years of age. Pathology at the level of the prostate gland leads to narrowing of the urethra, which partially passes through the prostate, and, as a result, creates conditions for urinary tract infection. Fever and general malaise, swollen lymph nodes in the groin are also usually present.
Pregnant women are at increased risk of developing a urinary tract infection and therefore burning when urinating. The growing uterus can put slight pressure on the bladder and urethra, making it difficult for urine to flow. Progesterone and other hormones produced during pregnancy increase muscle relaxation, causing the bladder and ureters to lose tone, which in turn reduces the bladder's ability to empty completely.
Even at the end of pregnancy, after childbirth, a burning sensation may appear when urinating; In this case, the cause is any abrasions and tears in the vagina, which often occur during natural childbirth.
Since pregnancy is a critical period for the health of not only the pregnant woman herself, but also the fetus, you should not underestimate even the most minor symptoms, but promptly contact a gynecologist at the Bogolyuby Medical Center .
What to do?
Treatment of the condition is aimed at eliminating the cause. In case of urinary tract infection, pharmacological treatment based on antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed based on the results of urine culture and antibiogram . Usually useful for burning during urination, drinking plenty of fluids during the day, at least up to 2 liters of water.