Our today's article is about PMS - premenstrual syndrome,a phenomenon that every thirty women face after thirty years, and even after forty. To know about the existence of the syndrome and its clinical manifestations will be useful not only for women but also for men, with an eye to the fact that this information will help shed light on the sometimes unpredictable behavior of a loved one.
Dear women, if it seems to you that you are fat and ugly, your husband is nervous, you are tired from children, you want to tear and throw, or feel sorry for yourself alone with a pillow, we advise you to look at the calendar. But shouldn't there be menstruation in 2 weeks? (PMS can occur 2 to 14 days before menstruation). If - yes, then most likely it was not your life that failed, but we are simply dealing with a commonplace premenstrual syndrome.
Even the ancient Indians said that women have a «week of Kali», when a lady behaves like a goddess of destruction. Look at the image of Kali - you will understand what it is about. A blue-skinned woman with four arms in a necklace of skulls holds a severed male head in her hands. By the way, English lawyers in their practice with varying success use the fact that physiological changes have a powerful effect on reaction and behavior На эту тему даже проводились научные исследования. Scientific research has even been conducted on this subject. Kurt Bartol in his «Psychology of Criminal Behavior» says that in such studies it was found that 62% of women prisoners committed crimes during PMS, and another 17% - during menstruation. There is somethOf course, PMS is not an excusable argument, but when we know «the enemy » in person, fear recedes and the woman calmly transfers the changes that occur to her. Manifestations of PMS are very diverse. The most characteristic manifestations of the syndrome are the following disorders:
- neuropsychic;
- vegetative-vascular;
- exchange-endocrine.
The exact cause of PMS has not yet been established. There are many hypotheses - from the influence of the lunar phases to hormonal imbalance. According to the doctor of medicine Robert Frank, (who, in fact, introduced the term “premenstrual syndrome” in the thirties of the last century), the main cause of psychophysical disorders during PMS is a low level of the hormone progesterone.
There are leading factors in the development of PMS, these are:
- intellectual work;
- stress,depression;
- miscarriages;
- abortions;
- inflammatory gynecological diseases;
- candidiasis;
- skull injuries;
- unbalanced diet.
What to expect from PMS?
Neuropsychiatric disorders: a woman is quick-tempered, irritable, and quickly gets tired. A sharp change in mood is observed, appetite increases.
Somatic disorders manifest themselves in the form of headaches, nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations, high blood pressure.
Exchange-endocrine disorders: breast engorgement, bloating, constipation, shortness of breath, insomnia, or vice versa - increased drowsiness, swelling of the face, limbs. Due to fluid retention in the body, an increase in body weight of 4 to 6 kg is noted.
Treatment of PMS
Women who have first-hand knowledge of PMS need psycho-emotional relaxation in the first place. It makes sense to normalize your mode of work and rest, walk before bedtime. It is advisable to adjust the power. Limit fats, beef (due to estrogen content), caffeine, alcohol, spices, chocolate. Do aerobics, enroll in the pool, or buy a bike. All this will not only help in the fight against PMS, but will also improve your physical fitness, and at the same time your mood.
For severe PMS, consult a specialist , who will prescribe the necessary antipsychotics and tranquilizers.