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Pregnancy with twins: how do twins become conceived?

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How to give birth to twin children? Twin pregnancies in Ukraine are relatively low, statistics say only 3%. The chances of conceiving twins naturally are slim, but using assisted reproductive technologies increases the likelihood of this happening tenfold.

How do twins become conceived? 

There are two types of twins: monozygotic and heterozygotic. Monozygotic twins are nearly identical: one egg is fertilized by one sperm and at some point splits into two, giving rise to two separate embryos, each with its own umbilical cord but may or may not share a placenta and amniotic sac. These monozygotic twins are identical, have the same genetic structure, sex and blood type.

Heterozygotic (or dizygotic ) twins are born from two different eggs released from the same ovary in case of double ovulation or from both ovaries. Each egg is fertilized by a sperm, resulting in two genetically different embryos. For this reason, they are also called fraternal twins.

Statistically speaking, about one third of twins are monozygotic, and the remaining two thirds are heterozygous. This means that it is much more likely that two genetically different twins will be born from two simultaneous pregnancies and could be two boys, two girls, or a boy and a girl.

How to calculate the probability of having twins?

As mentioned above, two-thirds of twin pregnancies begin with two eggs being fertilized. Typically, a woman experiences single ovulation, but in some cases, double ovulation may also occur. It is primarily a random, non-programmable event. However, certain factors can contribute to double ovulation, thus creating a greater chance of conceiving twins.

Twin pregnancies are more common in women over 35 because hormonal changes cause the ovaries to produce more eggs each month. Quitting birth control pills abruptly is often the cause of twins. In this case, the hormonal imbalance causes double ovulation.

Having twins in the family: Genetics plays a big role here, and it may take a generation or two before another twin pregnancy occurs. The incidence of twin pregnancies is higher if a woman has already had three or four children. The mother's weight can also affect whether or not she conceives twins, with heavier women having a higher chance.

The impact of assisted reproductive technologies

The marked increase in twin pregnancies recorded in recent years is undoubtedly due to the increased use of assisted reproductive technologies. Ovarian stimulation increases the chances of having twins.

It is important to remember that the possibility of having twins, of course, cannot be reliably planned. You should consult with a reproductive specialist MC " Bogolyuby " to assess whether you, based on your physical condition, can successfully carry a multiple pregnancy.

How to recognize a twin pregnancy?

Symptoms of a twin pregnancy are not much different from those of a singleton pregnancy, but they may be felt earlier. They tend to be more noticeable before the expected pregnancy date. One possible cause of morning sickness may be related to the hormone beta-hCG , the level of which increases significantly in twin pregnancies, sometimes almost twice as much as in singleton pregnancies. This can sometimes lead to debilitating nausea. Other typical pregnancy symptoms, such as fatigue, may also be more noticeable than usual.




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